BitBuddies ipa v1.3.0

BitBuddies ipa v1.3.0
BitBuddies ipa v1.3.0
Category: Entertainment
Oct 22, 2011
Version: 1.3.0
3.3 MB
Seller: Giuseppe Longo
©Giuseppe Longo 2010
LANGUAGES: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.


Download our app and you will be able to use tons of colorful pixels to create fantastic avatars!

With Bitbuddies you will become a true artist and make an endless number of portraits.

In this version you will find:

- More than 300 components (both generic and thematic);
- Fully-editable color selection;
- Choice between freehand positioning of the items or precise one with the arrow keys;
- Storage possibility for your Bitbuddies and possibility of editing them at your pleasure;
- Possibility of exporting your Bitbuddies to your Photo Gallery, on Facebook and for your contacts in the Address Book;
- Possibility of mailing your Bitbuddies;

And much more thematic updates to come!

Follow further news and events about Bitbuddies on

What's new in Version 1.3.0
- Bugfix
- New Components!

Download Here:

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